How To Improve Your Child’s Smile

kid's_smileThose who want to give their children the most in life should ensure that they protect their smiles. Children should start going to a family dental practice early, and they should learn good oral hygiene to get them started on a road to good oral health for their entire lives. Families which have noticed that their children may be developing crooked teeth may need to ask their dentist if they should see an orthodontist. Children may need braces or other corrective care to leave them with great looking teeth for years to come.

As dentists continue to monitor children’s teeth, they may be able to tell whether or not a child will eventually need orthodontic care. Going to a family dental practice can help to ensure that children aren’t eventually frightened by the dentist. They are going to be able to have care from a professional who knows how to explain oral hygiene practices in ways that children will be able to understand. This can make seeing the dentist a fun experience, so that children will want to be able to continue doing this for the rest of their lives.

Other ways to improve a child’s smile is start with their diet. Sugary foods and drinks can be bad for the teeth, and lead to getting more cavities when they go in for their regular visits. The first dental visit should be scheduled before a child turns one year old. It is also important not to share any eating utensil with a child, as bacteria from a parents mouth can spread to a child and contribute to them getting cavities. Using the correct type of toothpaste while the child is a toddler is important as well, as some contain ingredients that children shouldn’t have in their mouths.

Using too much toothpaste is not good as well, as very little toothpaste is needed to brush a child’s teeth. If they are using too much, then the teeth may end up getting stained as well. Getting a timer for brushing the teeth is important as well, so that children know how long they should be spending on this activity. This can lead to good brushing habits throughout the rest of a child’s life, and maybe even keep them from having to undergo uncomfortable dental procedures like having a cavity filled. There are many other things which can help to improve a child’s smile, including things like getting enough exercise which improves digestive health. This can ultimately improve the child’s smile, and set them up for good oral hygiene practices for their entire lives.

Tips on Taking Care of Your Braces

2 girls with bracesOnce you have braces, taking proper care of your teeth becomes a bit more challenging. However, there are a few tips that you can follow as a way to keep your teeth clean and healthy while wearing braces. After you get into the routine of properly cleaning the teeth and braces, it will become something easy and simple for you.

Flossing and Brushing Correctly

Before you begin brushing your teeth, use your write brush to get underneath the wires of your braces. These brushes are designed to help you reach into the most difficult spots to remove food particles that often get stuck between the teeth and the wiring of the braces. You can also use floss at this point to remove any plaque or food particles from between the teeth.

When you are brushing your teeth, you should always do it for at least two minutes. The best way to keep track of the time is to set a timer for two minutes on your phone. Always make sure that you are reaching the back of your teeth as well as the front.

Rinsing After Brushing the Teeth

When you are finished brushing your teeth, rinse the teeth with mouth wash. Not only does mouthwash help to eliminate germs, it will also leave your breath smelling fresh. There are plenty of mouth wash flavors to choose from so that even if you do not like the mint flavor, you will still be able to rinse your mouth out and kill the germs. In fact, they even have bubble gum flavor mouthwash.

Watch What You Eat

When you are eating, make sure to avoid foods that could get stuck in your braces and cause more trouble for you in the long run. For example, avoid chewy and gummy candy, such as gummy bears and gummy worms. Other food items, such as hard pretzels, can also cause your wires to snap so they should be avoided. On the other hand, mashed potatoes, applesauce, and even yogurt are good options. This does not mean that you cannot enjoy crunchy foods. It just means you have to be careful about what you eat.

Follow Directions from Your Orthodontist

If your orthodontist advises you to wear headgear or rubber bands, you should listen. Your orthodontist knows what is best and by following the direction, you can straighten your teeth and get your braces off faster. Northern Smiles Orthodontics offers its patients advice on caring for their braces and keeping them in good condition. Proper oral hygiene is a must, especially when you have braces.

Common Causes Of Cavities

dentistYou only get only set of teeth per lifetime, which means you need to keep those chompers looking pearly white. Cavities are both painful and expensive to deal with and can eventually lead to more serious dental issues requiring more invasive, unpleasant procedures such as crowns, bridges and root canals. Worst case scenario, you may even loose your teeth due to poor dental hygiene. Fortunately, by spending just a few minutes ever day to take your of your teeth and gums and making regular visits to a dental hygienist for cleanings and checkups, such as at Riverton Dentist, you can keep your smile looking bright and beautiful.

Unfortunately,for those of us with a strong sweet tooth, one of the most common causes of cavities is consuming sugary foods. Cavities occur when sugars and starches are left are on your teeth, allowing the bacteria in your mouth a chance to nibble away at your then weakened enamel. Unfortunately, sugary sweets and treats, including sodas, are some of the worst culprits for leaving behind these sticky carbohydrates that bacteria love. The best way to prevent this common cause of cavities, is to having avoid sugary snacks throughout the day and to brush your teeth after indulging in these treats. Brushing away the plaque the prevent any bacteria from having a chance to start breaking down your enamel and create cavities.

Another one of the most frequent causes of cavities is acid erosion. Sodas and other acidic drinks such as fruit juices are all highly acidic on your teeth and slowly break down the enamel coating. Unfortunately, once your enamel has been damaged to due acid wear, there is little that can be done to restore it, however, extra caution must be taken to ensure no further damage is caused. Enamel is crucial is protecting your teeth and keeping them strong. Once acid has worn down the enamel, your teeth become increasingly more susceptible to cavities and other dental issues. If you can’t live without your morning orange juice, drink from a straw to prevent the acid from being washed over all of your teeth, then afterwards, rinse your mouth with water. After consuming something acidic, wait at least one hour before brushing as your enamel is currently in a more vulnerable state and brushing immediately will do more harm than good.

Finally, proper brushing and flossing technique is crucial in preventing cavities. Flossing, in particular, is essential for removing plaque buildup between teeth, which your toothbrush alone cannot remove. It is recommended that you spend at least two minutes, twice a day, doing quality brushing, as well as flossing once a day for optimal oral hygiene.

Tips for Sensitive Teeth


If you suffer from sensitive teeth, you are not alone; orem utah dental work can help. With the right tools and changes in habit you can overcome this annoying and reoccurring problem.


Start with toothpaste made especially for sensitive teeth. Many brands make this. Your dentist might recommend one if you have not had much luck searching on your own. While this can really reduce sensitivity when brushing, it can also create a protectant shield to keep it in check throughout the day. What a way to improve upon daily life! Mouth issues like canker sores and toothaches can take over your life. Get ahold of them today!


This might sound counter productive if it hurts to floss. But flossing can remove the bacteria and junk caught in your molars to put them at ease. When this stuff sits there for hours, it can rot and spread, causing pain. Just rinsing with mouth wash and flossing can get rid of the problem in some cases. Even if you brush twice daily as recommended, you are not doing enough if you do not floss or rinse properly.

Eat Right

Did you know that orem utah dental work has solved this problem with food recommendations? Certain foods break down easier, creating painful germ spreading and mouth weakening. If you already have weak teeth, this might be serious. So stay away from junk food that breaks down quickly, like chips and candy. Chewy candy that gets stuck in the teeth is a big no-no. Also, brush after you eat fruit or starch that breaks down into sugars. Avoid acidic items like citrus and drinks like soda. They are acidy and sugary- a double whammy. If you need to, take a toothbrush to work to discreetly work on your routine wherever you go. Just because you are in a professional setting that does not mean that your body takes a brake from digesting.


Chewing gum also stimulates saliva glands so that you work against the grime of food. This might not seem to make sense, but sugar free gum might do you some good. If you cannot get to a toothbrush, then the best you can do is to rinse thoroughly with water and then chew on some minty gum for good breath and a cleaner palette.

Better Style

Turn to orem utah dental work for help with the way you brush. Doing it too vigorously, not enough, or with too hard of bristles can damage the gums and create sensitivity. So calm down and take easy-going strokes. While you still need friction, you don’t want to rub it completely raw. Take your time, brush longer, floss, eat right, and see your dentist to remove the sensitivity in your teeth.

Who Needs Space Maintainers?

orthotime, utah orthodontist

Everyone is born with baby teeth. They fall out and our adult teeth grow in. However, sometimes our baby teeth fall out too soon, or our adult teeth need a little guidance while they grow in. This is where orthodontists, like Orthotime, a leading Utah orthodontist, utilize space maintainers.

These space maintainers are exactly what their name is. They are plastic or stainless steel that is anchored to a fake tooth that maintains the proper space for the new adult tooth to properly come into. When a baby tooth is lost too soon it can no longer act as a guide for the adult tooth and it could erupt in a completely wrong place. This will often cause many problems as the child grows older and will require lots of orthodontic work.

There are many different types of space maintainers. Some are fixed and some, for older children, are removable. Talk to an orthodontist to understand if your child may need a space maintainer. It can often be determined through a simple oral examine or through an x-ray.

What is Invisalign?

nyc dental care, nyc invisalign provider

Invisalign, is the new way many people are opting for when it comes to straightening their teeth. A NYC Invisalign provider presents some great information about Invisalign.

Invisalign is a series of clear retainers that gradually straightener yout teeth. They’re nearly invisable, completely removable for eating, and incredibly effective. When you consult with your orthodontist then you’ll be able to determine the appropriate length of time you will need your retainers. Often, the average length of use is 18 months.

Both metal braces and Invisalign cost roughly the same on average at around $5000. However, it does depend on what your teeth need.

Sometimes Invisalign is the only thing that will close certain gaps in teeth, correct certain alignments and will do it with out having to glue shaper, metal braces to your teeth. While the retainers are tight and you are required to wear 23 hrs a day at least, often the retainers aren’t as bad as conventional metal braces.

There are many positives when it comes to choosing Invisalign. Check with your orthodontist to see if you’re a good candidate for them and start straightening your smile!

Pros of Invisalign

Many people don’t smile and it’s not because they aren’t happy. It’s because they struggle with insecurities about their teeth. So why would you add to the insecurity and get regular braces? Feeling confident and excited about your teeth getting straighter are just two of the benefits with Invisalign. An NYC Invisalign dentist has a list of why you should choose it.

There are many benefits with Invisalign. Like all dental work, it’s an investment. You should plan on paying a few thousand dollars. Generally speaking, Invisalign costs on average about $5000. Regular metal braces costs’ start at $5000.

Invisalign is far more comfortable than regular braces. If you choose this option you will be fitted with a set of clear, plastic retainers that will feel tight at first, but won’t be anywhere near as painful as the sharp metal of regular braces.

It’s best to consult with your dental care provider to know which options are available to you, but if Invisalign would work for you it has far more pros than cons.
(image: courtesy of

How to Care for Your Teeth with Braces—Part II: How to Floss + Extra Tips

F-shaped and Y-shaped dental floss wands

Care for Teeth by Flossing


Flossing with braces can seem like a pretty tedious job, but it is really important, so don’t give up! You should floss every single day, preferably at bedtime after you have brushed your teeth. This will help remove any plaque left after brushing. If your gums aren’t healthy, they will probably bleed the first few days, but stick with it and the gum tissue will heal.

Flossing with braces is a little tricky at first but it gets easier with practice. A floss threader makes the job easier. There are also pre-cut lengths of floss you can buy that have a stiff “threader” end, eliminating the need for a separate floss threader. Figure out what works best for you. Either way, use the following technique:

  • Thread your floss under the archwire that connects your braces together.
  • Wrap the floss around the tooth on one side. Push the floss up towards the gum line, making sure the floss gets all the way under the gums, and then slide the floss down toward the wire. Be careful not to use too much force—you don’t want to bend your archwire! Slowly slide the floss up and down several times, right against the tooth, to remove all the plaque.
  • Wrap the floss around the neighboring tooth and repeat the process.
  • Once both teeth are flossed, pull out the floss and thread it between the next two teeth.

Interdental toothbrush

An interdental toothbrush (Proxabrush) can be very useful in cleaning under orthodontic wires and around the braces. Brush the tooth surface slowly and carefully so you do not damage your braces.

Antiseptic Rinse

After brushing and flossing, your orthodontist may recommend an antiseptic dental rinse to manage minor gum inflammation or mouth irritations from orthodontic appliances or canker sores, etc. Some antiseptic rinses also contain fluoride, providing extra protection against cavities.

Removable Appliances

If you are using a removable orthodontic appliance, it will accumulate food particles and plaque just like your teeth do. Every time you brush your teeth, brush your appliance. Once a day you should soak your appliance in a glass of water with a denture-cleaning tablet, such as Efferdent. (Use room temperature tap water; hot water could distort your appliance.) This will help prevent plaque buildup and oral infections and will keep your appliance tasting better.

Tips & Tricks

Put your time in front of the TV to good use! Sit down with your toothbrush (without toothpaste) and give your teeth and gums a thorough massage. You can do this while studying, or riding in the car, or anytime your hands are free. Spend up to 30 minutes a day doing this!

Also remember that anytime you eat, if you are unable to brush or floss, at least swish your mouth out with water. You can also carry toothpicks or small bristle brushes to help remove debris from your braces—just be gentle so you don’t damage your gums or your braces.

Regular Dental Checkups

Just because you are seeing your orthodontist regularly, doesn’t mean you can skip your regular dental visits! In fact, you will probably need to go more frequently than you did before. Many patients with braces continue to see their dentist every six months for a thorough examination, but increase visits with their dental hygienist to every three months for cleanings. Ask your hygienist how you are doing—if you have great oral hygiene you may not have to go as often, but if you have trouble keeping your teeth clean you may need to go even more frequently.

Be sure to read Part I: How to Brush