Common Causes Of Cavities

dentistYou only get only set of teeth per lifetime, which means you need to keep those chompers looking pearly white. Cavities are both painful and expensive to deal with and can eventually lead to more serious dental issues requiring more invasive, unpleasant procedures such as crowns, bridges and root canals. Worst case scenario, you may even loose your teeth due to poor dental hygiene. Fortunately, by spending just a few minutes ever day to take your of your teeth and gums and making regular visits to a dental hygienist for cleanings and checkups, such as at Riverton Dentist, you can keep your smile looking bright and beautiful.

Unfortunately,for those of us with a strong sweet tooth, one of the most common causes of cavities is consuming sugary foods. Cavities occur when sugars and starches are left are on your teeth, allowing the bacteria in your mouth a chance to nibble away at your then weakened enamel. Unfortunately, sugary sweets and treats, including sodas, are some of the worst culprits for leaving behind these sticky carbohydrates that bacteria love. The best way to prevent this common cause of cavities, is to having avoid sugary snacks throughout the day and to brush your teeth after indulging in these treats. Brushing away the plaque the prevent any bacteria from having a chance to start breaking down your enamel and create cavities.

Another one of the most frequent causes of cavities is acid erosion. Sodas and other acidic drinks such as fruit juices are all highly acidic on your teeth and slowly break down the enamel coating. Unfortunately, once your enamel has been damaged to due acid wear, there is little that can be done to restore it, however, extra caution must be taken to ensure no further damage is caused. Enamel is crucial is protecting your teeth and keeping them strong. Once acid has worn down the enamel, your teeth become increasingly more susceptible to cavities and other dental issues. If you can’t live without your morning orange juice, drink from a straw to prevent the acid from being washed over all of your teeth, then afterwards, rinse your mouth with water. After consuming something acidic, wait at least one hour before brushing as your enamel is currently in a more vulnerable state and brushing immediately will do more harm than good.

Finally, proper brushing and flossing technique is crucial in preventing cavities. Flossing, in particular, is essential for removing plaque buildup between teeth, which your toothbrush alone cannot remove. It is recommended that you spend at least two minutes, twice a day, doing quality brushing, as well as flossing once a day for optimal oral hygiene.