Tips for Sensitive Teeth


If you suffer from sensitive teeth, you are not alone; orem utah dental work can help. With the right tools and changes in habit you can overcome this annoying and reoccurring problem.


Start with toothpaste made especially for sensitive teeth. Many brands make this. Your dentist might recommend one if you have not had much luck searching on your own. While this can really reduce sensitivity when brushing, it can also create a protectant shield to keep it in check throughout the day. What a way to improve upon daily life! Mouth issues like canker sores and toothaches can take over your life. Get ahold of them today!


This might sound counter productive if it hurts to floss. But flossing can remove the bacteria and junk caught in your molars to put them at ease. When this stuff sits there for hours, it can rot and spread, causing pain. Just rinsing with mouth wash and flossing can get rid of the problem in some cases. Even if you brush twice daily as recommended, you are not doing enough if you do not floss or rinse properly.

Eat Right

Did you know that orem utah dental work has solved this problem with food recommendations? Certain foods break down easier, creating painful germ spreading and mouth weakening. If you already have weak teeth, this might be serious. So stay away from junk food that breaks down quickly, like chips and candy. Chewy candy that gets stuck in the teeth is a big no-no. Also, brush after you eat fruit or starch that breaks down into sugars. Avoid acidic items like citrus and drinks like soda. They are acidy and sugary- a double whammy. If you need to, take a toothbrush to work to discreetly work on your routine wherever you go. Just because you are in a professional setting that does not mean that your body takes a brake from digesting.


Chewing gum also stimulates saliva glands so that you work against the grime of food. This might not seem to make sense, but sugar free gum might do you some good. If you cannot get to a toothbrush, then the best you can do is to rinse thoroughly with water and then chew on some minty gum for good breath and a cleaner palette.

Better Style

Turn to orem utah dental work for help with the way you brush. Doing it too vigorously, not enough, or with too hard of bristles can damage the gums and create sensitivity. So calm down and take easy-going strokes. While you still need friction, you don’t want to rub it completely raw. Take your time, brush longer, floss, eat right, and see your dentist to remove the sensitivity in your teeth.