Going To The Dentist Regularly

Dental visitThe condition of a person’s oral health may be an indicator of their overall well-being. With regular dental checkups, the seasoned experts at San Antonio Teeth Cleaning help protect against disorders associated with dental problems, such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, for example.
Lack of oral health may also adversely affect a person’s sense of smell, ability to taste and swallow, along with their smile and other facial expressions. In addition, for pregnant women, diseased gums may cause below normal birth weight for the baby, or possible premature birth.
In ancient times, so the story goes, witch-doctors believed tooth worms caused toothaches. They believed a worm drilled its way into a tooth and pain came when the worm squirmed inside the tooth. For treatment, they would spread honey over the patient’s teeth and wait for the worm to come out of the tooth to eat the honey, and then grab it. Suppose they’re still waiting?
Over the centuries, though, a steady stream of medical knowledge allowed dental care to emerge from fiction to fact. Today, dentists are aware that plaque is the primary cause of cavities and gum disease.
Plaque is a sticky film made up of mucus and bacteria that adheres to teeth. If not removed, the bacterium infects the gums and penetrates the blood vessels. Once it gets into the bloodstream, it’s transported throughout the body. The only way to stop the flow of bacteria is to have the plaque removed from the person’s teeth.
The professionals at San Antonio Teeth Cleaning remove plaque from patient’s teeth, at every regularly scheduled check-up.
Dental care is important for tobacco users. Tobacco accelerates the onset of gum disease that can lead to tooth loss, along with other complications such as oral cancer, which spreads quickly.
Likewise, regular dental checkups help curtail tooth problems that occur with age. A common malady is that gums recede from the teeth, which exposes the roots of teeth to bacteria. Also, seniors tend to produce less saliva and are more susceptible to tooth decay, as saliva helps neutralize the bacterium that causes cavities.
The grounds for regular dental checkups at San Antonio Teeth Cleaning continue: Treatment for tooth decay and gum disease is more effective when discovered early. Along with gums, periodontal disease attacks the bones that support teeth, and early treatment is more productive. Cavities may be a sign of vitamin and mineral deficiency, and sensitive teeth can mean the erosion of enamel. The fluoride treatments dentists give helps prevent decay, which is preventive maintenance.
Dental appointments make some people nervous, so don’t drink coffee or eat sweets beforehand, as they may bring on anxiety.