Foods That Are Good For Someone With Braces when they are Sick

Braces and snacksIf you’ve ever worn braces you would understand the limits imposed on what you can eat.  The options are even more limited when someone is sick. It’s an unfortunate tragedy, it seems, when all you want is to share in the fun and grab some popcorn and soda at the movies, or just chew a simple piece of gum. There are a lot of different types of food that can get caught in your braces so a lot of foods aren’t recommended when you have braces. However, not all treats are off limits. If you or a friend have braces and are sick it is helpful to have a few ideas for some snacks ahead of time. Here are some ideas to get your friend if they are feeling under the weather.

  • Milkshakes, everyone loves them and they won’t hurt your braces. Be careful of having a milkshake with items such as nuts or other big chunks because it may cause your friend a trip to your orthodontist.
  • Muffins- Everyone loves muffins some even taste like cake just be careful to not eat ones with nuts because they may get caught in braces. Most other types of breads are fine also.
  • Cookies-Cookies can be a great way to satisfy cravings, Mrs. Fields get well cookies make a great choice.
  • Cheesecake is soft and tasty, your friend will be sure love you for it.
  • Ice Cream- Just make sure you don’t have items such as nuts or chunks.
  • Lot’s of people love cheese. You can eat almost any type of soft cheese and you won’t have problems with your braces.
  • Yogurt or pudding (with whipped cream)
  • Broth soups
  • Bananas with chocolate sauce
  • Quesadilla

Even with all these options there are defiantly some foods you want to avoid. You will not want to give the following items as get well items for your friends with braces. Generally any sticky, hard, chewy or crunchy foods should be limited or avoided. The American Association of Orthodontics recommends avoiding: caramel, nuts, licorice, jelly beans, hard pretzels, bubble gum, candy corn, lollipops, taco chips and ice. An off-limits treat now and then is acceptable but be sure to brush and floss afterwards and when it comes to hard, crunchy items, chew lightly.

Here are some more items you may want to avoid.
  • Jolly Ranchers or other hard candy-Can get stuck and break off your brackets.
  • Whole apples-Just cut the apples and you should be okay
  • Peanut brittle
  • Caramels are sticky and can cause problems with your braces, the sugar also can cause bacteria to grow.

Whatever your decide to get your friend as a treat to wish them to feel better they will be appreciative of your thoughtfulness. One thing to keep in consideration is that sugar can be trapped in your braces which can cause bacteria to grow and cause tooth decay and infection so be smart on your choices for you and your friends.