Tips on Taking Care of Your Braces

2 girls with bracesOnce you have braces, taking proper care of your teeth becomes a bit more challenging. However, there are a few tips that you can follow as a way to keep your teeth clean and healthy while wearing braces. After you get into the routine of properly cleaning the teeth and braces, it will become something easy and simple for you.

Flossing and Brushing Correctly

Before you begin brushing your teeth, use your write brush to get underneath the wires of your braces. These brushes are designed to help you reach into the most difficult spots to remove food particles that often get stuck between the teeth and the wiring of the braces. You can also use floss at this point to remove any plaque or food particles from between the teeth.

When you are brushing your teeth, you should always do it for at least two minutes. The best way to keep track of the time is to set a timer for two minutes on your phone. Always make sure that you are reaching the back of your teeth as well as the front.

Rinsing After Brushing the Teeth

When you are finished brushing your teeth, rinse the teeth with mouth wash. Not only does mouthwash help to eliminate germs, it will also leave your breath smelling fresh. There are plenty of mouth wash flavors to choose from so that even if you do not like the mint flavor, you will still be able to rinse your mouth out and kill the germs. In fact, they even have bubble gum flavor mouthwash.

Watch What You Eat

When you are eating, make sure to avoid foods that could get stuck in your braces and cause more trouble for you in the long run. For example, avoid chewy and gummy candy, such as gummy bears and gummy worms. Other food items, such as hard pretzels, can also cause your wires to snap so they should be avoided. On the other hand, mashed potatoes, applesauce, and even yogurt are good options. This does not mean that you cannot enjoy crunchy foods. It just means you have to be careful about what you eat.

Follow Directions from Your Orthodontist

If your orthodontist advises you to wear headgear or rubber bands, you should listen. Your orthodontist knows what is best and by following the direction, you can straighten your teeth and get your braces off faster. Northern Smiles Orthodontics offers its patients advice on caring for their braces and keeping them in good condition. Proper oral hygiene is a must, especially when you have braces.