Proper Flossing Techinques

flossingDentists recommend flossing daily as part of a healthy dental regimen because it removes plaque and other debris that gets stuck between teeth that regular brushing may not remove. Daily flossing works in companion to brushing to keep your teeth health and minimize the risk of developing gum problems. Flossing can even aid in keeping your breath fresh and keep it from smelling foul. There are many benefits that come from flossing, however if you’re not flossing properly then you may not be getting the full extent of those benefits. Before starting to floss, it’s important to remember that you should never force or snap the floss; doing so may cause cuts or bruises to your gums.

Waxed or unwaxed brands of floss is the best to choose from. Nylon (otherwise known as multifilament) floss comes in both waxed and unwaxed versions as well as a variety of flavors to choose form. PTFE (Otherwise known as monofilament) floss is a bit more expensive but it slides more easily between teeth, even in the tightest of spaces between teeth, and is virtually shred resistant. Even though nylon floss can potentially tear or shred, both types of floss are both extremely effective at removing plaque and other debris with used properly.

When preparing to floss your teeth, you should wrap the ends of the floss around your middle fingers and hold the extended floss between your thumbs and forefingers for a snug fit with both hands (the suggested length of floss for flossing is about 18 inches). As you slid the floss between your upper teeth, use your thumbs, and your index fingers to floss your bottom teeth. You shouldn’t work the floss too roughly and keep it gentle as you slide the floss back and forth between your teeth; then gently glide the floss in an up and down motion several times, and don’t forget to include the back of your teeth while doing so. You’ll want to gently pull the floss against your teeth so that it’s effectively working to remove and plaque or debris. It’s also important to keep in mind that you should also floss your molars; the back of the mouth is the most common place for gum disease and gum disease because it tends to be flossed less. As you continue to floss, you should unwind new floss as you go so that you’re flossing with a new piece of floss with each tooth and you’re not using the same piece. You should floss all your teeth.

If you can’t, or don’t want to, floss the traditional way, there are several other alternatives that you can incorporate as your flossing routine; which is highly encouraged for healthy family dentistry. There are floss holders, superfloss, and floss threaders.

3 Exciting Technologies in the Field of Dentistry

dentistryDentistry is constantly improving and changing. All the new technologies are aimed at helping dental patients cure problems. The dna appliance is a revolutionary appliance that is making a big impact on millions of people. The device has several benefits that should be addressed. The device has actually proved to be a very positive way to treat a number of dental and health related problems. Let’s take a look at a few of the benefits and advantages associated with the appliance.

First, let’s take a look at the appliance’s best attributes. Sources report that the device is very safe and is suitable for men, women, or children. It is non-invasive, which supports the safety issue. There is always a certain amount of risk involved with invasive surgeries or devices. The device also sits comfortably in the mouth. The device’s main purpose is to correct the alignment of the teeth in the mouth. Sources also report that the appliance might reduce snoring and sleep apnea.

The dna appliance has received a lot of notice in the dentistry community. Patients are also thirsty for more knowledge on the appliance. Previously, metal braces and other devices were used to straighten the teeth. The braces took several years and certainly diminished ones appearance. Studies show that the new appliance is something completely different. It uses a completely natural process to move teeth into proper alignment. The concept is called Epigenetic Orthodontics.

Epigenetic Orthodontics is the exact opposite of traditional orthodontist treatments that use braces which are painful and uncomfortable. The traditional braces are kept on all the time. The Epigenetic Orthodontics are worn at night and removed in the morning. This is something that many patients are excited about.

The Epigenetic Orthodontics appliance does not use force or trauma to place the teeth in the proper position. The device uses the gentle movements of the body to place the teeth in proper position. This is definitely one of the most exciting technologies in the field of dentistry in the last decade.

This is a new dental technology that is being embraced by the dental community. The dental device is suitable for people of all ages including the elderly. People discovered that the device is an answer to their dental problem. They do not have to wear ugly braces that force their teeth into alignment and detract from their appearance. The new invention is a solution that is definitely improving dentistry.

What is Invisalign?

nyc dental care, nyc invisalign provider

Invisalign, is the new way many people are opting for when it comes to straightening their teeth. A NYC Invisalign provider presents some great information about Invisalign.

Invisalign is a series of clear retainers that gradually straightener yout teeth. They’re nearly invisable, completely removable for eating, and incredibly effective. When you consult with your orthodontist then you’ll be able to determine the appropriate length of time you will need your retainers. Often, the average length of use is 18 months.

Both metal braces and Invisalign cost roughly the same on average at around $5000. However, it does depend on what your teeth need.

Sometimes Invisalign is the only thing that will close certain gaps in teeth, correct certain alignments and will do it with out having to glue shaper, metal braces to your teeth. While the retainers are tight and you are required to wear 23 hrs a day at least, often the retainers aren’t as bad as conventional metal braces.

There are many positives when it comes to choosing Invisalign. Check with your orthodontist to see if you’re a good candidate for them and start straightening your smile!