How do Dental Implants Work

dental_implantsWe have all heard the lore surround Benjamin Franklin’s wooden teeth. Can you imagine how cumbersome it must have been to wear those? How do you clean them properly and what about the fear of getting painful splinters in your gums and tongue? The thought of that situation sounds like the worst thing ever. It might be more comfortable to just have no teeth and rely on a diet of soft or liquid foods. The problem with losing teeth has been around for years and in the past there were not many options to rectify this ordeal. Maybe you have an early memory of seeing one of your grandparents early in the morning before they slipped in the false teeth that they kept in a glass by the bed. The memory might be etched in your mind of their pucker looking mouth without the non-descript teeth standard of the set of false teeth that were common for an entire generation. Modern dental practices have come up with much better options to create faux smiles that are better to look at.
The next step in dental repair was the bridge. This option sacrificed two additional, perfectly good teeth to fill in for one that was missing. It still was a removable piece and consisted of filing down two abutment teeth to nubs no matter how healthy they were. This process is less than ideal and terrible in the long run. So now we have dental implants. This amazing development has the best effect and comes closest to simulating real teeth. Not every part of getting implants is easy and wonderful but remembering that the final product is long-lasting and can fool anyone who does not have access to an x-ray machine is key. Getting implants takes some patience and several visits to the dentist as it is a many step process.
First the bad tooth or teeth need to be completely removed and there is a healing period of time that follows. After a sufficient amount of time a post will be placed in the bone of your jaw itself. This acts like an artificial root to anchor the tooth. It does take additional time and waiting for your jaw bone to heal around the set post, but this just makes it all the more permanent. Once the doctor checks and finds that your jaw has healed around the post, then you are ready for the crown of the implant to be attached. The end result is a something that looks exactly like a real tooth and functions as one would. You are able to floss and brush as you would normally. Eating foods like corn on the cob or steak is not a problem and no one is able to tell that the tooth is not real from looking at it. Only an X-ray can prove that your tooth is artificial.
So if you ever need an artificial tooth to fill in a gap in your smile, getting dental implants is truly the best way to replace it. You don’t ruin any of your other teeth needlessly nor will you ever be caught toothless in the wee hours or risk them slipping out from faulty adhesive. Your oral hygiene regimen will not have to change or be done in secret to prevent other from finding out your secret and your smile can remain an asset to your look.

When You Need An Abutment

When You Need An AbutmentIn the field of dentistry, there are not numerous options when it comes to the materials used for dental implants. In addition, there are also a lot of options on surface finishes, engaging versus the non-engaging and platform switching. Dentists and technicians are now able to offer their patients with different choices when it comes to dental implant abutments. Choices may include the type of material used, the type of coatings, pre-made abutments and custom made abutments that are patient specific.

Custom Made Abutments Versus Stock Abutments

When one needs an abutment, one may want to consider custom abutments over stock abutments. Stock abutments are readily available with various angulations, materials and finishes. While the stock abutments may actually work just fine, there are instances that custom abutments will work best since this is made specifically according to the needs of the patient.

Why Should One Choose Custom Abutments?

With custom abutments, the dentist technicians are given the ability to create the ideal emergence profile which would promote development of healthy tissues and to place uniform margins just below the gums. In addition, the usage of custom abutments will also allow corrections to be made when it comes to angulations of the anatomic structure. Corrections like these are intended to create a better support as well as better crown retention.

Creation of Custom Abutments Using Advanced Technology

The creation of custom implant abutments has been made easier with the use of CAD or CAM technology. In fact, there are now a lot of dental laboratories that have invested in this type of software to design full contour restorations and substructures. Basically, with this technology, benefits like individual design control, faster turnaround time, improved fit and reduced outsourcing costs are achieved.

Advanced dental technology has also allowed the concurrent manufacturing of abutments and full contour restorations, which speeds up the case processing time. Basically, the technician is able to take into consideration the position and the shape of the final full restoration during the time the design of the dental implant abutment is created. Moreover, this also bypasses the necessity to scan the case again for a full contour restoration design since scanning the abutments is considered a time consuming and technique sensitive.

Should One Consider Getting Custom Abutments?

Custom abutments have definitely earned the trust of many dentist and dental technicians since this has provided dental personnel more control over aesthetics as well as support. In addition, this dental technology has also provided the opportunity for dental technicians to design as well as build dental cases for success from the very start. For those in need of abutments, it is best to consider the custom made abutments as this is specific to the needs of each dental patient.

Pediatric Dentistry 101

Pediatric Dentistry 101Caring for your teeth is hard enough, but making sure your kids are brushing, flossing, and practicing healthy oral habits can be challenging. Many parents find themselves frustrated with their children over their oral habits. It is important to help children understand how important it is to care for their teeth. Taking them to see a pediatric dentist in Cumming, GA, is a great way to help kids understand how to brush and floss properly. Here are just a few things they will learn when then visit the dentist.

Daily Brushing

Most children do not brush their teeth for the right amount of time. From the time a child develops their first tooth, you need to start brushing their teeth. Clean your infant’s teeth with a wet washcloth or a plastic tooth scrubber. These can be purchased in most dentistry aisles at the supermarket. Once your child can hold a toothbrush, help them learn how to scrub their teeth. You need to start using toothpaste after the age of two. This will help to improve their teeth by strengthening them with fluoride. Be diligent in brushing their teeth for about 2 minutes, or 30 seconds in each zone. Teach your child how to move the toothbrush around the entire tooth. Since this is hard for kids, it is a good idea to purchase an electric toothbrush that will vibrate around the tooth. It can help to break up the plaque that forms on the tooth and causes cavities. Children should focus on brushing before bed and in the morning to help their teeth stay clean.

Daily Flossing

Kids have a hard time flossing their teeth, but it is necessary as most childhood cavities form in-between the teeth. Plan on buying some pre-made flossers for your kids to use. They can gently slide the floss in-between the teeth to remove food and excess bacteria and plaque that gets trapped. It is important to floss not only for their teeth, but for their gums. When they visit the dentist for a cleaning, the dentist will talk to them about daily flossing and why they need to floss. They will also teach your child how to properly floss since it can be difficult.

Healthy Eating

One of the reasons children have cavities is because they are not eating healthy foods. Replace the sugary snacks with fresh apples and carrots. The fruits and vegetables that are crunchy act like a natural toothbrush and help to remove plaque from the surface of the tooth. It is essential to make sure your kids are drinking plenty of water to rinse bacteria, sugar, and other things out of the mouth. Water is essential to the teeth as it does help to keep them healthier, and most water sources will contain fluoride. Fluoride is important for the development of teeth, and to improve the structure of a tooth.

Taking the Best Care of your Teeth

teethdoctorA very important part of your body is your teeth. They help to keep your body nourished since food first passes through them and gets broken down into consumable pieces. So, caring for your teeth is essential. The way your teeth look not only tell people the type of oral health you follow, but also the type of lifestyle you lead as well. Also, a person’s confidence level is affected if their teeth are in bad shape. Visiting your local teeth doctor and setting yourself up with a proper teeth care routine will help with the health of your teeth. Some general tips to follow are below.

Change Your Toothbrush

You should make it a habit to change your toothbrush every 90 days. An old toothbrush harbors bacteria and the bristles become out of shape which does not provide the proper cleaning. You should also change your brush if you are not comfortable with the texture or shape of it. Also, it should not be too hard or it can erode your tooth enamel quickly.

Brush Your Teeth Correctly

People often brush their teeth for only 30 seconds or less; this is not sufficient for eliminating plague. You need to be brushing your teeth for a minimum of 2 minutes. Many dentists if not all suggest you clean your teeth when you get up in the morning, after you eat and before you retire at night.

Watch Your Diet

You can protect your teeth by sticking to a low sugar diet. Any teeth doctor will suggest to you to minimize your sugar consumption since it is a leading cause of tooth decay. Sweets and starches should be avoided as well; they are a big culprit of cavity formation. If you must eat foods with sugar, make sure you brush your teeth right after you eat them. In addition, avoid tobacco and products that discolor teeth like berries, black tea or wine. These will stain your teeth and give them a bad appearance.

Schedule Regular Visits With a Dentist

Even if your teeth seem healthy and strong, it is still important that you visit your dentist twice a year. However, how often you visit the dentist depends on the shape your teeth are in. You need to be checking your dental health in between appointments. If you notice rare changes, chips, lumps or red bumps in your mouth; pay a visit to the dentist right away. More serious gum and teeth problems can occur if not taken care of. Your dentist will treat these issues and provide you with a routine for a cleaner and healthier mouth.

Other than these, drinking water that contains fluoride and using mouthwash with fluoride in it will help maintain strong, healthy and decay free teeth. You can talk with your teeth doctor for some other valuable healthy teeth tips.

Best Preventative Dental Tips

preventative_dental_careMost dentists agree, the best way to maintain good oral health is preventative care. Maintaining a program of preventative oral care will ensure that teeth and gums stay healthy for a lifetime. Unfortunately, most people don’t realize what they need to be doing to protect their teeth. Below are some common sense oral health best practices that everyone should adopt.

Daily Brushing And Flossing

Brushing twice a day is the best preventative measure anyone can adopt. The teeth should be brushed for a minimum of 2-3 minutes. The best toothbrush to use is a soft-bristle toothbrush with a small head and a long handle.

Flossing is important because it removes plaque in areas that can’t be reached with a toothbrush. Teeth should be flossed gently with an ADA approved floss.

Prevent Dry Mouth

Dry mouth is a serious condition that can significantly reduce the mouths natural ability to fight off bacteria. That’s because human saliva contains compounds that slow the growth of bacteria. If that saliva isn’t present, then bacteria is allowed to run free.

If a person has a problem with dry mouth, they should consider using a rinse specifically designed for this problem or chew gum that contains the sugar-less sweetener xylitol. Both of these increase the amount of saliva the person’s mouth produces.

Tongue Scraping

Few people pay attention to their tongue when taking care of their oral health, but it is something that shouldn’t be overlooked. The tongue can have thousands of bacteria on it that aren’t removed by brushing. To remove them, all a person has to do is buy a tongue scraper and use it on a daily basis.

Use An Antiseptic Mouth Rinse

Using an antiseptic mouth wash on a daily basis can slow or eliminate many forms of mouth bacteria. However, caution should be exercised when using them because many of them contain alcohol and that can cause the mouth to dry out. Fortunately, there are many great mouth washes on the market that don’t contain alcohol at all.

Visit Your Dentist

Getting preventive dental care El Paso is as simple as visiting the dentist. Dentists are the first line of defense against the progression of gingivitis and other oral health problems. Dentist not only clean the teeth, but they also check for potential problems that may just be developing.

Following the above guidelines will allow anyone to enjoy healthy teeth and gums for their entire life. These are steps that are not only easy to perform but also only take a few minutes of time. Not a high price to pay for good overall oral health.

Braces for Grownups

adultbracesI thought braces were for kids!  They are, and they’re not. Many adults are acquiring the services of an orthodontist today. Orthodontia has evolved a long way from the ‘metal mouth’ image. Now bonded brackets and clear-colored braces that are not so noticeable are available. According to Dr. Sebastian, DDS, an Atlanta Orthodontist, there is less time and discomfort involved in braces today. He says adults may wear the braces an average of 12-20 months.

Crooked teeth or the classic overbite or under-bite are not just unattractive. They can have serious repercussions for dental hygiene and jaw alignment.

In the past, if teeth were misaligned, straightening them as an adult was not considered. In fact, many people exhibited very crooked teeth throughout their lives. It was not uncommon to see persons with extreme over-bites or incredibly crowded teeth. With the evolution of orthodontia and it’s revolution within the last ten years, an adult or child with serious malocclusion is seldom seen in the US today.
Now it may be easier than you thought to provide yourself with a beautiful and healthy smile. Orthodontics Simi Valley provides a consultation and an evaluation. When this is completed, the choices are yours.

You’ve decided to achieve the smile you want! First, realize that braces are a journey, but the end results could possibly exceed your expectations.

1. Before proceeding, your teeth will be thoroughly cleaned and dried. They must be dry to attach the brackets.

2. A strong bonding glue is put on the teeth and brackets attached.

3. Next, the dentist will place an archwire into the brackets and hold that tight with elastic bands.

Not at first. But remember, the braces are going to re-align teeth. The teeth are encased in bone. All of this must be shifted and repositioned to achieve results. So discomfort can be expected for about a week. The mouth and teeth will hurt.

Eat soft foods for a couple of days. Foods like mashed potatoes, yogurt and soup will be easily swallowed. Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen relieve soreness.
Mouth sores can be an issue in the first few weeks of orthodontia. A product called orthodontic wax may be applied as a barrier between the mouth and the rubbing appliance. Use as much as necessary.

it takes about a month for a person to get used to braces. Like all appliances in the mouth, there is an adjustment period. After a period of six months, their presence can be
It is not unusual for a tooth to begin hurting for no apparent reason. This is normal because pressure is being brought to bear to shift positioning.

The important thing about braces is to keep in mind their purpose. Most adults are happy to anticipate a new look!


toothacheToothaches are one of the worst pains to deal with. Now only does the tooth hurt but it often makes your whole face and head hurt as well. Toothaches cause swollen gums, throbbing headaches and sometimes cause the pain to spread to other teeth.

The best way to deal with a toothache is to visit a tooth doctor. A tooth doctor also known as a dentist or DDS can offer patients answers as well as solutions to their tooth problems. There are many tooth doctors throughout all cities so finding a great dentist can be easy. Finding a dentist that you are comfortable with is the key to getting the best service because it is recommended to go to the dentist’s every few months for a check up.

After visiting the dentist there are many other things that can be done to relieve tooth pain. One of the most common ways to deal with tooth pain is to take some type of over the counter aspirin. The aspirin will not only help with pain but it can also help with the swelling. It typically takes about 20-30 minutes for aspirin to take full effect. Aspirin is not recommended as a daily help for toothaches.

Another good way to get rid of tooth pain is to brush your teeth and focus on the area where the pain is. The ingredients in toothpaste can actually help alleviate tooth pain. If brushing is to hard for your painful tooth simply take a small drop of toothpaste and rub it on the affected area. This will help make a seal over the tooth so not as much air or food particles can touch the affected tooth.

Ice packs are another good way to help tooth pain. Many times when a tooth hurts it becomes swollen and eventually the gum or face in that area will also become swollen. Holding an ice pack on the area for about 15 minutes at a time will help relieve some of the pain and swelling. The key to getting the best results from using an ice pack is to follow a system of icing on and off for about an hour. Ice the area for 15 minutes then take the ice pack off for 15 minutes repeating this until an hour is up.

Toothaches are one of the worst pains so it is important to take preventative care so you will get less toothaches. Brushing teeth twice a day is the number one way to keep your teeth healthy and clean. Brushing removes any food particles, surface stains and can help freshen breath. Aside from brushing be sure to use mouthwash, floss and visit the dentist regularly.

Replacing A Broken Tooth

tooth_repairNobody wants to be happily smacking along on a nice big slice of pecan pie, or crunching on some peanut brittle, and realize that they are really munching on a piece of their own precious tooth that just broke off. Sadly, it’s going to happen to many people sooner or later, and when it does, it helps to know your options.

Getting a tooth restoration.

By far the easiest method to handle a broken tooth is to have the dentist rebuild it with filling material. Gone is the days of only silver fillings. Now you can have a perfectly white filling that will make your broken tooth almost unnoticeable. If the tooth is broke too short, or it is a front tooth, then you may have to consider another option, as the rate of repairing your tooth with a filling may not be that good.

Getting a crown for your tooth.

This would be a great second option for folks who can’t getting a filling for their broken tooth. Crowns come in many different styles and materials, which will range in prices dependent on what you choose. Most people go with a ceramic crown because of its’ remarkable similarity to real teeth. The dentist will match the hue of your teeth and send it to a lab with your tooth mold. They will then make the crown to be an identical match to the rest of your mouth. Be warned. A crown cannot be whitened, so if you have been considering getting a whitening done, then now would be a good time to do it, as getting it done later will result in your teeth being noticeably whiter than the crown. Many times, when people have crowns in their mouth that have been done by skilled dentists, people don’t even realize that they have a crown. This is a true testament to beauty from dentistry.

Can’t get a filling or crown? It’s time for an implant or partial

Sometimes there just isn’t enough of a tooth to save. In this instance, the dentist will either have to do an implant or a partial, with the latter being much less invasive. An implant is a process where the dentist will put a metal rod into the gum where the tooth should be. Next they will fit you a new ceramic tooth on the peg, and your good to go. A partial consists of a metal brace that is installed in the mouth, and kept in place with friction against your gums and existing teeth. The brace will have a ceramic tooth installed on it, so that it appears to be your own. Both are highly preferable over not having your tooth.

What Does a Cosmetic Dentist Do?

cosmetic dentist 4There are any number of things that can go wrong with someone’s teeth. They can grow weak, develop cavities, grow in crooked, discolor, and develop a huge variety of other problems. While a general dentist can take care of many issues from cleaning to drilling, there are some issues that require special training. For issues that aren’t actually threatening the teeth or the person’s dental hygiene, but which are simply unpleasant looking, the client needs the services of a cosmetic dentist.

What Does a Cosmetic Dentist Do?

As the name suggests, this variety of dental professional focuses on procedures that affect the way teeth look, rather than how they function. Similar to a cosmetic surgeon, who performs procedures to alter the way someone looks even if there is nothing physically wrong with them, this kind of dentist specializes in making someone’s mouth look different. This requires a great deal of additional training over and above what the individual needs to be a dentist in the first place, and it also requires training in each of the unique cosmetic procedures that he or she will be performing on patients.

What Dental Procedures Qualify as Cosmetic?

Any dental procedure which has no effect on the actual strength or health of the teeth, but only changes the way they look, qualifies as a cosmetic dental procedure. Procedures like putting in teeth caps, whitening teeth, attaching veneers or crowns are all cosmetic procedures for which one should seek out a dentist with experience in providing a quality, cosmetic experience. There are other procedures, but these are some of the most common ones performed on a regular basis.

Why Would Someone Go To a Cosmetic Dentist?

The reasons someone would go to this kind of dentist are at least as varied as the number of procedures that these dentists can perform in the first place. Someone who is embarrassed that his or her teeth have been stained by a lifetime love of coffee, or a smoking habit, might want to try and get their teeth whitened so they can smile without feeling self conscious about it. People with an alternative lifestyle might want to get gold or silver crowns over their teeth, and some people might even want to have caps that are shaped like vampire fangs. People who might feel their teeth are ugly because of chips or cracks might want them shaved and a veneer put over them.

Whatever the reason, everyone wants a smile that they can be proud of. That is what these dentists specialize in, and it’s why so many different patients with so many different needs come to them. No matter the canvas, these dentists can make them beautiful.

5 Things An Oral Surgeon Can Do

oral_surgeonOral surgeons are like a specialized dentist. They are able to do things that dentists are not allowed to do like performing surgery and invasive procedures. When you visit an oral surgeon in San Antonio they will be able to perform many things that dentists cannot, including: cleft lip correction, implants, impacted tooth removal (like with wisdom teeth), treatment of infections and relief of sleep apnea.

When a person is born with a cleft lip or palette, their lip and nose area has not been completely formed and can cause many problems. An oral surgeon is able to correct this by performing several surgeries throughout the patient’s childhood and, sometimes, life. Although it does take more than one surgery to correct this problem, if handled by a good surgeons, it can look almost completely normal by the time adulthood is reached.

After a tooth is lost, the mouth is left with a space where their tooth was. This can be embarrassing to a person and can sometimes cause discomfort when eating or talking. If the mouth is strong enough and the bone able to withstand it, an oral surgeon can fit and place a dental implant that looks like an actual tooth.

Impacted teeth are teeth that are unable to cut through the gums and develop normally. They can be extremely uncomfortable and are often removed before they can even start creating problems. The most popular teeth to be removed this way are wisdom teeth. An oral surgeon will remove these in teens and young adults so they will not have problems with them later on in life.

An infection of the face can become a serious problem that causes health issues along with discomfort performing everyday activities. If your dentist sees one of these problems, he can refer you to an oral surgeon that can diagnose, treat and prevent it from happening again. It is important you see an oral surgeon if you are having any difficulty eating or talking because these could be signs of dangerous infections.

Sleep apnea is a disorder which can cause a person to stop breathing while sleeping. This problem can usually be corrected with medicine, therapy or breathing treatments. If the problem becomes severe, an oral surgeon is able to cut out parts of the mouth palette that will leave the patient’s airways completely open while sleeping.

A dentist will help you take care of your mouth for routine things and help treat them, but an oral surgeon is able to address more serious problems. They are highly trained, medical professionals who can treat or repair almost any oral disease or problem a patient has. Look today for oral surgeons in San Antonio.